Through the Smog

The Donora Historical Society and smog museum is recognized as the oldest community historical society in Washington County of Pennsylvania. They are a non-profit and operate on a volunteer basis. The museum itself seeks to educated the public on the 1948 Donora smog event, a historic air inversion that resulted in a wall of smog that killed 20 people and sickened 7,000 more in Donora, Pennsylvania, a mill town on the Monongahela River, 24 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. Created by Point Park University Student Chloe Jakiela, with guidance from Multimedia Journalsit Rebecca Devereaux. Jakiela and Devereaux participated in the 2017 Multimedia Workshop, hosted by the Point Park University Environmental Journalism Program. During the two-day workshop, students and mentors were paired up and sent out to report on an assigned story topic, with the deadline set to 5:00 the next day.


Last Safe Space (P2P Climate Challenge submission)

Nature has been the only consistent space to find comfort in. As a college student with an anxious and depressed mind who commutes every week day, it can be difficult for me to find a place of comfort when I am moving back and forth from my house to campus. I become physically and emotionally sick of places that used to make me feel okay. Local libraries and coffee shops are ideal until I start to feel disconnected and overcome with anxiety. The outdoors is a place where my mind is at rest and I feel at home. Even then, the climate of our environment keeps changing and with it my mental health. To me, climate change means that our environment is dying and so are we, regardless of who you are and your beliefs. The climate of the current presidency seems to reflect this fall’s bipolar attitude. Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord makes climate change worse for every human on earth, because he is closing his mind off to progress. Hot tempered and ignorant, he disregards that climate change is real and becoming more and more of a problem. Pittsburgh as a city and community, a place with a growing amount of nature and green buildings has inspired me to create change no matter how small.


The 90 Neighbors Project

Lawrenceville is one of 90 neighborhoods in Pittsburgh. Located in Central Lawrenceville since 1849, Saint Mary's Cemetery is a place of relaxation, reflection and remembrance. It holds a special place in the hearts and minds of city dwellers from the general Pittsburgh area and beyond, whether people are passing through or remembering loved ones.